Chaplain Aide Resources

  1. Scout Chaplain Aide Resources
  2. Army Chaplain Resources
  3. Bsa Chaplain Aide Prayers
  4. Chaplain Aide Resources Definition

Download the Association of Muslim Chaplains latest COVID-19 Resource List here. Read the guidelines on staff support for Muslim patients at the end of life in an isolated clinical setting. Be prepared with resources for Islamic wills (for example, and These resources arrived directly from Scouters and were also gathered from many World Wide Web sites. The goal here is to gather together sufficient resources in one location, so that it can be provided to a Troop or group of adult Scouters, to aid in the regular preparation of the Scouts Own, and also to support spiritual growth within.

  • The chaplain patch, No. 440, may be ordered from the BSA National Distribution Center at 800-323-0732 or, or from any Scout shop, local council service center, or official Scouting distributor. Chaplain Aide The chaplain aide is an approved youth leadership position in Boy Scout troops and Venturing crews.
  • Various resources to aid in chaplain ministry and research will be found here. To go to the different sections, hover on 'Library' then go down to 'Resources.' Hovering on 'Resources' will reveal the subordinate pages, click on the one you would like to go to. For off-post churches who may have Military Members and Veterans.
  • The official military occupation specialty (MOS) of chaplain assistant was established by General Orders No. 253, War Department, Washington, D.C., on 28 December 1909. One enlisted man would then be detailed and placed on special duty, by the commanding officer of any organization to which a chaplain is assigned for duty, to assist the chaplain in the performance of his official duties.

Here’s a question from Marie:

Scout Chaplain Aide Resources

I’ve been asked to take over the Chaplain’s Aide training for our council, but they have no training materials from the previous coordinator. Can someone please share with me how you run training for Chaplain’s Aide? Thanks in advance!


Army Chaplain Resources

Thanks for the question Marie. And congratulations to your council for even having a Chaplain Aide training program. I don’t have any personal experience with this, but here are some ideas of things you might cover:


Bsa Chaplain Aide Prayers

  1. General responsibilities of the position.
  2. How to handle sensitivities in groups of mixed faiths.
  3. How to run an interfaith prayer service.
  4. Where to find materials for the religious emblems for each faith.

Chaplain Aide Resources Definition

I’m sure some readers who have been directly involved in Chaplain Aide training have some ideas. Please add your suggestions to the comments below.